C2 7-Step Pathway
The C2 7-Step Pathway leads to the formation of community led, problem-solving partnerships between local people and providers, creating a health-promoting, self-renewing framework for on-going, lasting improvement. Here are the Seven Steps…
Step 1
C2 begins creation of enabling conditions and initiating new relationships needed for transformation at strategic, frontline service delivery and community levels. C2 Strategic Steering Group (SSG) established. Target neighbourhood scoped and local C2 facilitator appointed. ‘Key’ residents identified to jointly self-assess baseline community connectivity, hope and aspiration levels.
Step 2
Establish C2 Partnership Steering Group (PSG) of key frontline service providers and residents, who share a common interest in improving the target neighbourhood. Hold connecting workshop and identify team of 6-8 members to attend two-day C2 ‘1st wave’ Experiential Learning Programme (ELP).
Step 3
PSG plans and hosts Listening Event (LE) to identify and prioritise neighbourhood social issues and produces report at feedback event to residents and SSG a week later. Commitment established to form and coach resident-led partnership to develop action plan to jointly tackle issues.
Step 4
Partnership constituted to operate from easily accessed hub in community setting, opening clear communication channels to residents via social media and estate ‘walkabouts’. Plan site visits to established C2 community sites and host reciprocal visit. Identify 6-8 new learners to ‘2nd wave’ C2 ELP.
Step 5
Monthly operational partnership meetings to co-ordinate LE action plan. Visible celebration of early ‘wins’ e.g. successful bids supporting community priorities and promotion of positive media coverage, leading to increased levels of community confidence, volunteering and momentum towards change. Partnership training undertaken where needed to further consolidate resident skills.
Step 6
Community strengthening evidenced by resident self-organization e.g. establishing new groups for all ages and development of innovative social enterprise. Accelerated responses in service delivery leading to increased community trust, co-operation, co-production and local problem solving.
Step 7
Partnership firmly established with effective ‘voice’. Now on forward trajectory of improvement. Key resident/s funded to co-ordinate activities. Measurable outcomes and evidence of visible transformational change, e.g. new play spaces, improved environment and reduction in ASB, all leading to measurable health and social improvement with parallel gains for other public services.
Backing up theory with doing
One of the strengths of C2 has always been the ability to back up theoretical teaching with site visits where residents and their partners provide the ‘living proof ‘of how it works and what it looks like at street level.
There are now self-organising C2 communities all across the UK that can effectively demonstrate lasting change and improvement to their health and local conditions.
Whilst we offer a range of learning opportunities, especially recommended is the ultimate ‘theory to reality’ two-day residential C2 learning experience, usually set on the beautiful campus of Exeter University.
Learning events
ALL C2 learning events are bespoke and co-designed with the host to reflect differences in local conditions and target audience, so quoted costs are for guidance only as costs depend on numbers, venue and geographical location.
The level and depth of learning will obviously be dictated by length of course selected, but core components will always cover:
Creating the conditions for communities to self-organise
C2 7-Steps ‘Isolation to Transformation’ the ‘how to’ explained
The biology of poverty: how chronic stress of chaos affects health
Learning to view communities as complex adaptive systems
How community led change really happens
How to deeply listen to a community
Theory to reality site visit (for residential courses only)
Sense making debrief session from site visit (where applicable)