Tuesday, 15 December 10-11.30am
Know I speak for whole team when I say how delighted we are to be working with the SVRU team once again. Our pioneering collaboration began in 2009. Most of the learning events and ‘hands on’ work with Onthank, Hawkhill & Timmergreens happened between 2010-14 but informal links have been maintained since with ex-CI Tony Bone in particular having input as a speaker at several C2 related learning and University of Exeter research events since.
Planning the content for our first intro session led me to revisit those early years and also think long and hard about how C2 learning could bring added value to the tremendous trauma-related work you’re already doing.
So I opened my huge Scotland file and thoroughly enjoyed a trip down memory lane, the highs and the lows whilst also updating myself on your work via the SVRU website, following links and re-watching the Panorama documentary viewed with fresh eyes following the Zoom conversations we’ve had with you all.
The conclusion I came to after a lot of reflection, is not just the commonality of our work but that it was actually unfinished business, for reasons I’ll explain in the session. Several years on, during which we’ve learned a huge amount, we now have a fantastic opportunity to build on and complete what was started back then.
So here’s a bit of homework for you just to set the scene. Nothing onerous – just a couple of short movies!
C2 is evidence-based on what happened on this Cornish estate 1995- 2000
‘The Beacon’ was shot in December 1999. Important to say before you watch it that no tenants or residents were harmed in the making of this movie!
This was their idea to narrate the story their way and the cast, many with harrowing ACE’s self-selected.
Watch out for future leaders, both residents and services, and we’ll fill you in on ‘what happened next’ to cast members. Some big surprises maybe and we look forward to hearing your observations on this piece of history.
Please watch the video and note down an example(s) of how this resonates with your work – it could be a similarity or a difference- significance of place, partnership working, enabling local leadership, barriers to working differently- anything that the video makes you think about with your work and the communities you work with.
‘Isolation to Transformation’ TEDx: the story and full outcomes from my perspective and the subsequent national spread.
The Police have been great partners in health creation and have recognised its impact on crime in all kinds of communities. Paul Morgan and Tony Bone, discuss the impact that C2 had on their work in Devon and Cornwall Police and the Violence Reduction Unit, Glasgow.
The Session: Introducing C2 and Getting Us All On The Same Page
This session is designed to be highly informal, interactive and hopefully fun! Expect a few slides – but definitely not death by PowerPoint!
- For C2 team to hear your aims/expectations/ desired learning outcomes
- To familiarize SVRU team members with what C2 is and isn’t and the transferable principles
- To reflect on C2 in Scotland 2010- 2014: why unfinished business?
- To use the Beacon Story to illustrate how & why insights from complexity science help us sense-make the transformative changes, how they were sustained, improved on by the community.
flexible and subject to change given time constraints!
- Welcome & Introductions
- Your aims & ours / C2 transferable principles
- SVRU team feedback on ‘The Beacon’ movie & story
- Q & A session with June & Grenville
- Reflections on C2/ VRU early years
- Brief introduction to complex systems thinking
- Whole group discussion on enablers & barriers of this way of working
- Outline of session content 2021.
C2 team input will be jointly shared between Hazel, Paul, Katrina & Robin, with sessions moderated by Lee. Our old friends Grenville and June Chappell, who still live on the estate and led the Beacon Community Regeneration Partnership until December 2018, will join us to give their unique insights and highlights of their remarkable journey to becoming Mayor & Mayoress of Falmouth 2015-18 and beyond!
Slide set will be shared after the session. We look forward very much to seeing you all again next week!