‘If we use what we have we have what we need’
Edgar Cahn, founder of Timebank
COMMUNITY-LED PLACE-BASED PARTNERSHIPS: ‘making places better by making better places’!
‘Health creation is the enhancement of health & well being that occurs when an individual or community gains a sense of hope and mastery over their own lives & immediate environment.’
(Hazel Stuteley OBE Feb. 2016)
As part of the Growing Health Together webinar series, C2 Connecting Communities is delighted to welcome you to 3 fortnightly webinars designed to embed the transferable principles of community-led health creation which we believe will be needed as never before if our communities are to recover from the greatest health challenge of this century.
We know that 80% of what makes us well lies outside of the NHS within the wider determinants of health.
C2’s national reputation has been built on the creation of place-based relational partnerships between local people and partners to address this. Partners are drawn from the wider determinants of health and usually include representatives from education, housing, police, local government, business and employment sectors. Put simply these partnerships bring the community of people who live in an area together with the parallel community who work there. They get to know each other as people, develop mutual understanding of each other’s roles eventually becoming interdependent. The outcomes are powerful, transformative, long lasting and a ‘win win’ for everyone taking part.
C2 Lighting the Way [pdf] was a retrospective cost benefit analysis of The Beacon Project, Falmouth, undertaken by ex-Treasury economists in 2016. It revealed the startling cost savings to the public purse of the C2 community-led approach, in other words, what it would have cost to produce similar outcomes by mainstream agencies.
In C2 we believe in the power of stories and local voices to illustrate ‘how & why’ community-led relational partnerships work-and carry on working. So first half will cover story followed by 20min breakouts, randomly allocated, giving you a valuable opportunity to further build on your relationships with each other, reflect on what you’ve heard and jot down any Qs for C2 team before returning for final half hour Q & A, open discussion and summing up.
22 April 1-2.30pm
The story of Beacon: ‘the one that started it all!’
About this session.
The C2 7-Step Pathway to Partnership programme is evidence based on this remarkable Cornish story of a deeply challenged community that healed itself.
The Beacon Community Regeneration Partnership became a national & international flagship of community renewal. In this session C2 founder Hazel Stuteley will be in conversation with local residents Grenville & June Chappell who led this partnership. We’ll be reflecting on some of the milestone moments spanning 3 decades, of how Beacon influenced national policy and how the C2 approach has spread successfully to communities all across UK.
Homework: Beacon- watch the movie made in 1999 by the community for the community. We promise no tenant or resident was harmed in the making! Not an easy watch but there’s a happy ending. In our conversation Gren and I will reflect on some of the people who took part who went on to become leaders themselves – ‘where are they now?’
Take a look at the slides from the event
6 May 1-2.30pm
Session 2: Listening
About this session
The power of listening: how it differs from consulting.
Community-led Health Creation in East Surrey: Listening
20 May 1-2.30pm
Session 3: Self-organising
About this session
Community self-organisation: the route to lasting change
Community-led Health Creation in East Surrey: Self-organising
C2 7-Step Pathway
[pdf-embedder url=”/c2content/uploads/2021/03/C2_7Steps_Handbook_2020_PRINT_NoBleed.pdf”]
The C2 Treasure Trove
Complicated and Complex Systems: What Would Successful Reform of Medicare Look Like? [pdf]
Could complexity theory help the regeneration world see the wood from the trees?
Complexity science has been successfully applied in many settings globally to ‘turnaround’ failing organizations. Viewing communities as complex evolving systems has been key to C2 success and transferability for 25 years.
In this podcast, our friend and guru, Professor Eve-Mitleton-Kelly explains the principles as applied to permaculture.